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Ascend Members Help Establish Greenbrier Valley Off Road Biking Association

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Have you heard about the Greenbrier Valley Off-Road Biking Association (GVORBA)? The recently established organization is on a mission to "create, enhance, and preserve exceptional trail experiences for mountain bikers in the Greenbrier Valley." Ascend members Mike Renner, Nicole Faulk, and Ben Isenberg know all about GVORBA's impactful mission—they are among the nonprofit organization's founding board members.

"On a personal level, it’s really gratifying to be part of this effort," says Renner, a web entrepreneur and avid cyclist who moved to Lewisburg as part of Ascend's first Greenbrier Valley cohort. "At first glance, the focus of the organization is on trails and cycling, but it’s about much more than that. The work being done by GVORBA can contribute to an even greener, happier, and healthier Greenbrier Valley."

GVORBA is currently coordinating several local trail projects, including expanded trails in the state forest, and family-oriented bike parks in Lewisburg and White Sulphur Springs. This spring, a team of volunteers, equipped with picks, shovels, and saws, created a new beginner-friendly trail extension in the Greenbrier State Forest.


Ascend Member and GVORBA founding board member Mike Renner

"Although GVORBA is a newly formed organization, it stems from years of dedication and hard work by local cyclists and trail advocates in this area," Renner says. "People have been laying the groundwork for years. I feel privileged to be part of that legacy and what lies in store."

And it seems there are happy trails ahead for GVORBA. The organization recently became a local chapter of the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA). The affiliation aligns GVOBRA with one of the most visible and far-reaching entities of its kind, allowing local cyclists to join a large international mountain biking community.


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